
School Hours

Music to go to lineup at classroom – 8.58am

Second Bell – Start Time 9.00am

Recess 11.00 – 11.30am

Lunch Eating time 1.30 – 1.40 pm

Lunch playtime 1.40 – 2.30 pm

Finish Time 3.30 pm

(2.30pm on the Final Day of terms 1, 2 & 3 and 1.30pm on the Final Day of term 4)

School Term Dates

Term 1:    28 January (staff on site). Students commence 29 January – 4 April

Term 2:    22 April – 4 July

Term 3:    21 July – 19 September

Term 4:    6 October – 19 December

Term 1:    27 January (staff on site). Students commence 28 January – 2 April

Term 2:    20 April – 26 June

Term 3:    13 July – 18 September

Term 4:    5 October – 18 December

Term 1:    27 January (staff on site). Students commence 28 January – 25 March

Term 2:    12 April – 25 July

Term 3:    12 July – 17 September

Term 4:    4 October – 17 December

Xuno Communication App

XUNO (pronounced ‘zoo-no’) is a portal which enables parents to log in and have immediate access to student information. Information available to you will include your child’s timetable and attendance in classes, student reports and unexplained absences.

New features of the system will include direct communication with your child’s teachers, up to date news items and information, greater breakdown of attendance and access to your child’s achievements. XUNO is also used to make bookings for interviews before key reporting periods and before parent/teacher interviews.

XUNO is also used to showcase news items and calendar events to assist parents with planning and keeping up to date with what is happening at the School.

Xuno Parent Portal User Guide

Click on the link below for the Parent Portal User Guide.

Xuno Parent Portal User Guide

Xuno Family App


Seesaw is an amazing app used to keep families in touch with what is happening in their child’s classroom. It is a great way for students to share what they are learning at school with their families.  Seesaw is a safe and creative way for your child to document their learning while practising a range of digital literacy skills in a moderated environment. Each child has their own journal in which they load photos, videos, drawings, and notes to showcase their learning in authentic ways. Seesaw opens communication with not only you but the student as well.

Seesaw is used at Mulgrave Primary School for several different tasks throughout the year. These include reading journals, homework, portfolios and ongoing assessments

Book Club

Mulgrave Primary School participates in the Scholastic Book Club program.

Catalogues will be sent home with students twice per term.

Parents who would like to place an order can do so online only (no cash orders taken). Using Book Club LOOP.

Orders will then be delivered to school and sent home with students via our classroom mail.

Our school earns 20% of any orders in Scholastic rewards, to spend on Scholastic books and other educational resources for the school.

Parent Helpers

We value the assistance of parent helpers in our classrooms and with other school activities. It is a requirement of school council, that all volunteers at our school hold a current Working With Children Check (WWC check) and that these details are recorded on our Register of Volunteers. If you would like to assist in the classroom or with other school activities, please provide details of your WWC check to our school office and also ensure you update your details with the Department of Justice and Regulation, to include Mulgrave Primary School as a place you volunteer.

If you would like to apply for a Working With Children Check or need to update your details, please use the link below

Our Visitors & Volunteers policies are provided for your reference further down this page.

Breakfast Club – Free to all students

Parent Volunteers help us for our Breakfast Club, Monday – Friday – 8.45 – 9.15 am during the term.

Monday – sit down including cereal & toast

Tuesday – grab and go with fruit options

Wednesday – sit down including cereal & toast

Thursday – grab and go with fruit options

Friday – sit down including cereal & toast

PFA – Parents & Families Association

The PFA is a positive way for parents or the community to get involved in your child’s school and provide a strong example to the children on the benefits of participating and volunteering.

PFA roles include-

➢ Promote school values

➢ Encourage family involvement

➢ Enhance communication between families and the school

➢ Create a warm and supportive environment

➢ Grow the community spirit

➢ Provide support to teachers

➢ Raise funds to benefit the school

If you are interested in joining the PFA, please visit the school office or call 9795 2477 for more information.

Lunch Orders Service

Lunch orders are available every Tuesday and Friday (via Qkr!), with ‘Tuesday Treats” open every Tuesday at recess for over the counter cash sales of  small snacks.

The Canteen operates out of our stadium and families can place their orders via Qkr! (the school preferred payment system).

The menu caters for a range of diets and we utilise the “traffic light” system ie. Green for everyday foods, Yellow for think carefully foods and red Red for occasionally foods.

Canteen Menu January 2025

Wednesday Window January 2025

Qkr! How To Order Canteen


Please click on the PSW website link below to view uniform and to place online orders.

Click here to order Uniform online from PSW

PSW Glen Waverley 

Sustainable Schools (Second Hand Uniforms)

Mulgrave Primary School have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to second-hand uniforms including sports gear.

Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.

See all the second-hand uniform items for sale here:

Register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • recycling items – great for our environment
  • helping & meeting other families in our school
  • making and saving money by buying and selling

Login or Register:

Before and After School Care

Click here to find out more about Camp Australia’s program at our school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child. Register now for free.

Before School Care is available from 7 am. Our After School Care Program runs from 3.30 – 6.00 pm to assist our working parents. Please visit the link for information on our Before and After School Care Program provided by Camp Australia.  

Camp Australia is the leading quality provider of OSHC services, with carefully structured activities and services to meet the needs of working families and school communities. Camp Australia delivers programs across Australia, with a philosophy of offering young people a unique opportunity to participate in activities in a safe environment, which will form part of their lifelong experience.

Camp Australia – Guiding Children’s Growth

Camp Australia programs are centred on child enrichment, while ensuring a reliable, engaging, and hassle-free OSHC service at our school. Their engaged educators foster a safe, inclusive environment where children can relax, have fun, and grow.

Your OSHC – OSHC that inspires
Camp Australia OSHC at Mulgrave Primary School, every before school, after school and pupil free day program is tailored to the likes and interests of each child in service. Camp Australia’s educators design enriching experiences to inspire your children’s confidence, independence, and imagination. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more – they believe in learning through experience so that each child can grow.

Parent Information Leaflet 2023


Rocketeers – Extraordinary Holiday Adventures
Rocketeers by Camp Australia is a space for children to escape the ordinary and experience the extraordinary during their school holidays. Every school holiday break is a new mission for children to embark upon. With carefully designed programs, directed by the children, and informed by family feedback, no two days are the same with Rocketeers. Experiences planned could include games, arts & crafts, sport, excursions, cooking, coding and more..

Click here to find out more about Camp Australia’s program at our school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child. Register now for free.

Your OSHC And Rocketeers Facebook Post

Music Lessons

Mulgrave Primary School has a company that comes to us to teach your children musical instruments or vocal lessons.

Wonnies would like to welcome all families to a new year of music lessons. We are looking forward to working with new and current families again in 2024


Music lessons that are taught at school are to provide children an opportunity to learn in an environment that they are familiar with. Our primary objective with teaching at schools is to build the best music program (with the support of the music co-ordinator), for the school and to encourage as many children to learn one of the many instruments that we offer.
Parents no longer have to drive their children to lessons after school and with our program, there are plenty of opportunities to perform and to join our school bands. We work together with the school to ensure that children are not taken from their ‘specialist’ or ‘core learning’ subjects to attend lessons.

Individual or Group Lessons are available at all schools.
Children are collected from their class during school hours, at recess or lunch. Our teachers make sure their students are not missing the same class each week.

Please click on this link to contact Wonnies:

School Council

School councils play an important role in Victorian government schools. At MPS, the School Council acts in accordance with the legislated powers, duties, and functions of a school.

New members are always welcome and each year in February, the school will conduct an election, calling for nominations from interested parents and care givers. If there are more nominations than available places on the council, a paper vote will be held to determine who is elected for the subsequent two years.

Councillors provide a range of advice and support to the school , overseeing such things as contracts for Out of School Hours Care, Uniform Supply, or minor works. They discuss the schools’ finances and how resources are allocated and the council also looks at buildings and grounds maintenance to ensure the school is of a high standard. A key role of council is to promote the benefits of the school and to assist with fundraising activities.

Should you be interested in nominating for the Mulgrave Primary School Council, please feel free to contact the School Council President, Mr. Ed Meszaros or the Principal, Mr. Charles Spicer.

* The department has developed a range of polices, guidelines and resources to support existing and prospective school councillors to understand their roles, responsibilities, and school council processes. For more information, please visit the link below: